Customer Testimonials

“I just read the review you completed. It synthesizes a great deal of complex material in a wonderful way. And talk about lessons learned! – We will share this far and wide.”

–SalesScope Customer

“This review is great!
I’m amazed at the information you were able to get from the client.
These reviews are exactly what we need to better prepare us for future opportunities.”
–SalesScope Customer

About SalesScope Inc.

SalesScope has been in business since 1999 and has its company headquarters in Roswell, Georgia. Our experience originates from field and executive Sales Management positions in large companies like AT&T, NCR, and Control Data and through start-ups like Teradata and NeoVista.

Our organization is focused on one …and only one….business objective: learn how “winners win” and “buyers buy”…so that you can improve your sales win ratios. We provide quality and timely win/loss analysis for your complex product and services sales initiatives. We’ll assess a specific win or loss, or look at a series of wins and/or losses. We’ve also packaged what we have learned to date analyzing hundreds of individual deals in our on-line course “The 4 Fundamentals of Selling High Value, Complex Solutions”.

We deliver:

Experience…..We have over 30 years experience in the disciplines of Sales, Sales Management, Business Development and Marketing from the Account Executive to the Vice President level of responsibility. To date, we have accomplished Win/Loss assessments on complex sales opportunities valued at over $6 Billion for companies like Accenture, Deloitte, United Healthcare and others.

Time Savings………….Using SalesScope will offload from you and the key people within your organization the time-consuming tasks of capturing, interpreting, assessing, and reporting Win/Loss information. Additionally, we can immediately deliver access to the lessons we have learned in analyzing hundreds of sales opportunities via our on-line course “The 4 Fundamentals of Selling High Value, Complex Solutions”. We allow you to focus on your key business objectives, while we provide you the information you need to improve your organization’s performance and results. Your ability to affect change sooner is the issue, and SalesScope can help you accomplish that.

Objectivity……SalesScope is successful only if we are able to provide you accurate, relevant, and focused information results…results you can and will take action on to improve your company’s sales performance. Being an outside agent gives us the objectivity to capture and report what really took place. Being a third party also helps your prospect and customers be more open. And finally, a third party, especially one focused on this business requirement can dig deeper to ask the important questions in order to better uncover key facts and attitudes.

Immediate Results…..Because we have already compiled the lessons learned from our work since 1999, you have a resource in our on-line course that you can immediately access to improve your sales teams’ performance. Use it alone, or take advantage of it in conjunction with us conducting win and loss analysis on your specific deals.

Contact us today to start improving you sales win ratio.

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